Monday, July 28, 2008

Cable TV services to go digital

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has recommended a revamp in the Cable TV industry. In an overhaul of the Cable TV services it has recommended that all cable operators be given five years to change over from the present analogue system to a digital network.

Presently in most places there are three different service providers giving TV, Telecom and Internet services. The TRAI has recommended the Multi Operator System be done away with so that one operator can provide all the three services. This will also improve the quality of the service.

The TRAI has also recommended an entry fee of Rs 10,000 at the district level and Rs 1,00,000 at the state level. Amongst the reforms is has included a proviso for the Cable Operators to provide a detailed bill to their customers.

Another important recommendation is the RoW- Right of Way for the cable operators to lay cables underground as well as over ground. Ministry of I&B is likely to commence a dialogue with the state governments very soon. The government aims to achieve parity between various service providers through the reforms.


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