Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mp3 players at risk of permanent hearing loss

An European Union body on health risks has said that up to 10 million young Europeans are in danger of damaging their hearing by playing their MP3 personal music players too loud.

The EU Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks said that listening to MP3 players and other personal music players at high volumes for long span of time can cause loss of hearing and tinnitus, a ringing sensation in the ears.

It found that 5-10 percent of MP3 users risk permanent hearing loss if they listen to a personal music player for more than one hour per day, each week at high volume settings for a period of at least 5 years.

The committee further reported that no cure is currently known for hearing loss or tinnitus.

The conference, organised by the European Commission in Brussels, discussed possible measures to prevent such health effects, ranging from warnings flashed on the devices' screens, to limits on the maximum volumes on players.


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